Distressed Soul

Distressed Soul

Gtpministries.org – This week’s reflection raises the theme of the Depressed Soul. In Psalm 42:6 it is mentioned, “Why are you distressed, O my soul, and troubled within me? Hope in God! Because I will be grateful to Him, my helper and my God!”

Someone came to a psychologist for a consultation. This person complains that his life is very stressful, full of shocks. At night, he can’t sleep so he has to take sleeping pills, he doesn’t eat well, and there are many other things he complains about.

He wants to be free from this pressure, so he can be happy, free from worry, lingering anxiety, and free from various things that stress his soul.

So what was the famous psychologist’s answer? He answered, I suggest that you be happy in this life. Go see the famous comedy show that will be performing tonight. You will definitely laugh, your stomach will shake and be happy and you will shed tears of joy.

Then the person answered, “no need”. The psychologist asked in surprise, “Why?”. Because the famous comedian who will appear tonight is myself.

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many people to experience mental stress. There are people who are forced to be happy and happy, but in fact inside themselves they keep and hide the stress in their soul. His face was laughing but his heart was crying (sad).

During this pandemic, many are suffering from mental stress. As a result, people become unable to sleep, their appetite decreases, the food they enter their mouth tastes bland, their digestion is disturbed, they become weak and lethargic, they get headaches, they get cold.

Mental stress is not only present in today’s age, but many people have experienced it since ancient times. In the Bible, Jeremiah Chapter 20: 7-15 explains:

Verse 7: You have persuaded me, O LORD, and I have allowed myself to be persuaded; You are too strong for me and You put me down. I have been a laughingstock all day, they all make fun of me.

Verse 8: For every time I speak, I am forced to shout, forced to cry out: “Injustice! Persecution!” For the word of the LORD has been a reproach and a mockery to me, all day long.

Verse 9: But when I think: “I don’t want to remember Him and I don’t want to say a word anymore for His name”, then in my heart there is something like a burning fire, confined in my bones; I tried to hold it back, but I couldn’t.

Verse 10: I have heard the whispers of many people: “Terror comes from all directions! Complain about him! We want to complain about him!” All my close friends are watching to see if I stumble: “Perhaps he allows himself to be persuaded, so that we can defeat him and can do our revenge on him!”

Verse 11: But the LORD is with me like a valiant warrior, therefore those who pursue me will stumble and fall and they will not be able to do anything. They will be ashamed, because they did not succeed, a stain that will never be forgotten!

Verse 12: O LORD of the universe, who tests the righteous, who sees the heart and the heart, let me see Your vengeance against them, because I entrust my affairs to You.

Verse 13: Sing to the LORD, praise the LORD! Because he has freed the lives of the poor from the hands of those who do evil.

Verse 15: Cursed is the person who brings news to my father saying: “A son has been born to you!” which made him greatly rejoice.

Jeremiah complained: why do I, who serve faithfully, experience suffering? Why should my life be in danger? Depressed people generally consider themselves to be the people who suffer the most in life, consider themselves the most difficult, this is what happened to the Prophet Jeremiah.

If we can escape mental stress or depression, then we are truly happy. Our life is full of hope, laughter, sincere smiles, and everyone is happy at home.

So, in Psalm 42: 6 which has been written in the beginning it is mentioned, “Why are you distressed, O my soul, and restless within me? Hope in God! Because I will be grateful to Him, my helper and my God! give 4 things that we must do in order to get rid of depression or mental stress.”

There are a number of messages that we can take from Psalm 42: 6.
1. Hope in God
Hope in God means full trust in God. In Proverbs chapter 3: 5 and 6 it is mentioned, Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding (Verse 5). Acknowledge Him in all your actions, then He will make your path straight. Let us not run to soothsayers or paranormals (Verse 6).

In Psalm 37:5 it is also mentioned, Surrender your life to the Lord and trust in Him, and He will act. God never lies with what he promises, so God will keep his promise and help us when we really hope for it.

In Isaiah 41: 10 it is explained, Do not be afraid, because I am with you, do not worry, because I am your God; I will strengthen, even help you; I will hold you with My right hand that brings victory.

2. Be thankful to God
In 1 Thessalonians 5: 18 it is mentioned, Be thankful in everything, because that is what God wants in Christ Jesus for you.

If we want to be helped by Allah, we must first be grateful for what we have. If we are not grateful for what we have, we will experience depression or mental stress. As God’s children, it would be good if we always said that whatever I have now, I am still grateful to God.

The ability to be grateful to God, will help us look forward instead of continuously looking back in our lives. Always be grateful and that will make us think positively about everything.

Psalm 46:2, We must trust God to help us with every problem we face. God is for us a place of refuge and strength, as a helper in trouble is very evident.

1 Corinthians 10: 13: “The trials you experience are ordinary trials, which do not exceed human strength. For God is faithful and therefore He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. When you are tempted He will give you a way out, so that you can endure it.”

If you don’t believe that God is able to help, then that is a very big loss. We must believe that miracles still exist today.

Psalm 25:14, God is intimate with those who fear Him, and He tells them His covenant. Associate with God closely or very closely. David never said our God or their God, David always said God is my God.

God will definitely help us. He will not let us continue to struggle. Whatever happens in our lives, either before or during this pandemic, let us now free our lives from the heavy pressure that is pressing. Let us hope in Allah with all our hearts, thank Allah. We believe in Allah with all our hearts. Remember, apart from God, everything is in vain. Amen.

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