9 Roh yang Dibahas dalam Alkitab: Pengungkapan Kuasa Ilahi

Alkitab, kitab suci bagi umat Kristen, merangkum kisah-kisah spiritual yang melibatkan interaksi antara manusia dan roh-roh ilahi. Dalam narasi ini, roh-roh memiliki peran yang penting dalam memengaruhi dunia fisik dan spiritual. Berikut adalah sembilan roh yang sering disebutkan dalam Alkitab beserta pengaruh mereka:

  1. Roh Kudus: Roh Kudus adalah salah satu pribadi dalam Tritunggal, bersama dengan Allah Bapa dan Yesus Kristus. Dalam Perjanjian Baru, Roh Kudus dinyatakan sebagai Pembimbing, Penolong, dan Penghibur bagi umat manusia. Ia memberikan kebijaksanaan, kekuatan, dan memimpin orang percaya untuk hidup sesuai dengan kehendak Allah.
  2. Roh Jahat/Setiap: Di sepanjang Alkitab, terdapat referensi terhadap keberadaan roh-roh jahat yang bertentangan dengan kehendak Allah. Mereka sering kali menggoda manusia untuk melakukan dosa dan menentang kebenaran ilahi.
  3. Roh Pembuat Hidup: Roh Pembuat Hidup adalah kekuatan ilahi yang memberikan kehidupan kepada segala sesuatu. Dinyatakan dalam penciptaan dunia dan juga dalam memberikan kehidupan rohani kepada manusia.
  4. Roh Pemurtadan: Roh ini mungkin merujuk pada kekuatan spiritual yang mempengaruhi seseorang untuk menjauh dari kebenaran dan mengikuti jalan yang salah. Dalam beberapa konteks, ini dapat merujuk pada pengalaman rohani yang menunjukkan pemisahan dari Allah.
  5. Roh Pujian: Roh Pujian adalah semangat penyembahan dan pujian kepada Allah. Dalam banyak cerita dalam Alkitab, roh pujian mendorong orang-orang untuk menyembah Allah dengan penuh sukacita dan kekaguman.
  6. Roh Penyesalan: Ini mungkin merujuk pada perasaan penyesalan atau kebingungan spiritual yang muncul ketika seseorang menyadari dosa-dosanya dan berbalik kepada Allah. Roh penyesalan memimpin orang untuk bertobat dan mencari pengampunan ilahi.
  7. Roh Kelaparan dan Kekeringan: Dalam beberapa teks Alkitab, roh ini mewakili keadaan spiritual di mana seseorang merasa haus akan kebenaran dan kehadiran Allah. Hanya dengan memuaskan kehausan roh ini, seseorang dapat menemukan kedamaian dan kepuasan sejati.
  8. Roh Pencarian: Roh pencarian mungkin merujuk pada keinginan manusia untuk menemukan arti dan tujuan hidup mereka. Ini mencerminkan perjalanan spiritual di mana seseorang mencari kebenaran dan kehadiran ilahi dalam kehidupan mereka.
  9. Roh Pembangkit: Roh pembangkit adalah kuasa ilahi yang membangkitkan orang mati, baik secara harfiah maupun secara simbolis. Dalam Alkitab, kita melihat contoh-contoh di mana Allah membangkitkan orang dari kematian fisik dan juga membangkitkan keyakinan dan harapan di antara umat-Nya.

Dalam rangkaian kisah dan ajaran Alkitab, peran roh-roh ini merefleksikan pertempuran antara kebaikan dan kejahatan, serta perjalanan spiritual manusia menuju Allah. Meskipun konsep-konsep ini kadang-kadang sulit dipahami, pemahaman tentang roh-roh ini membantu umat Kristen untuk memahami dan menghadapi tantangan rohani dalam kehidupan mereka. Seiring dengan keyakinan akan keberadaan dan pengaruh roh-roh ini, umat Kristen menemukan kekuatan dalam iman mereka kepada Allah yang mahakuasa.

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The 75th anniversary of the Church of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary (HSPMTB) is a reminder to share for the common good

Once upon a time there was a young man who came to a village. He found the atmosphere in the village cold, it seemed that there was no warm social interaction. The young man then knocked on the door of a house to ask for food. However, the host said that he had no food supplies.

The young man answered, “Okay, then I’ll borrow a pot, then we’ll eat together. I have magic stones!” The neighbors also came to watch the young man cook the magic stone. While boiling the stone, the young man said this dish would be delicious if you added meat, so a villager was willing to donate it. After putting the meat in the cauldron, the young man said again, this dish would be delicious if you added vegetables. Again a villager came to give it to him. And so on until various food ingredients are collected which make the dish complete and plentiful.

The story of the young man and the magic stone was conveyed by the Archbishop of Jakarta, Mr. Bishop Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo in his homily at the HSPMTB Church’s 75th anniversary mass. He revealed that the reflection had a message for Catholics to continue to be aware of the responsibility of their faith to always be involved in building common prosperity.

“In the history of mankind, until now collective prosperity has not been able to be realized,” stressed the Chair of the Indonesian Catholic Bishops’ Conference for the 2012-2022 period. Bishop Suharyo gave an example with information regarding the comparison of the 84 richest people in the world which is equivalent to the “wealth” of 3.5 billion less fortunate people.

“Please imagine that inequality occurs. “Meanwhile, the ideal of social justice independence for all Indonesian people has not been achieved, it is still very far away,” he stressed. Regarding social inequality, the Bishop spoke about the flexing phenomenon . According to him, more and more people like to show off their wealth or luxury.

Fathers who had worked in the Tangerang parish were also present at the concelebration mass.

“One of the signs that someone is led by the Holy Spirit is when someone is brave and always tries to choose what is good and right and does not just choose what is fun and easy. “No matter how small, we should show our involvement in building the common good and common prosperity,” he said.

Meanwhile, HSPMTB Parish Priest, Father Walterus Teguh Santosa, SJ, revealed that everyone has stored potential and we are all challenged to combine it into a solidarity movement that brings mutual prosperity.

“HSPMTB has a lot of experience around solidarity. Starting from the Saint Joseph’s Health and Death Fund through Yellow Card Contributions; Development Fasting Action (APP) to support the Socio-Economic Development (PSE) program to the Come to School, Come to College, Come to Work (ASAK) Program. “This is one of the Church’s efforts to create a bridge between the rich and the poor,” he said.

“Everyone is challenged to play their respective roles. It doesn’t have to be a big role, such as being active in the organization, but an invisible role also needs to be played. “For example, the Yellow Card Movement has a role that people don’t see, but it is real,” said Fr Teguh.

Furthermore, Father Teguh said that the Church throughout KAJ had pioneered a movement for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). One of the movements carried out by the HSPMTB church is to accompany and support pioneering MSMEs run by Catholic Young People with a buying movement from the congregation.

Welfare and KAJ

The Archdiocese of Jakarta (KAJ) has a long-term pastoral care program (2016-2026). The program is based on the motto “One Hundred Percent Catholic, One Hundred Percent Indonesian.” Bishop Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo emphasized that one hundred percent Catholicism is the calling of every Christian.

“Pope Francis emphasized that all people in whatever status and position have the same call to Christian perfection, the perfection of love,” he said.

Furthermore, he added that one hundred percent of Indonesia is the character of the Indonesian people who love their homeland. Therefore, KAJ formulated it in its pastoral program. During 2016-2021 KAJ has a pastoral theme which aims to deepen the principles of Pancasila.

“The idea was translated into movement. One of the most recognized movements is the red and white rosary.”

Inauguration of the Pastoral Work Building (GKP) St. The newly revitalized Maria was marked by the signing of the inscription stone by the bishop, Cardinal Suharyo, Pr, witnessed by the chairman and deputy chairman1 of the DPH.

Specifically for 2022-2026, KAJ has five pastoral themes related to the actualization of a caring character that is in accordance with the church’s social teachings. The pastoral themes include respect for human dignity (2022); common good and general welfare (2023); solidarity (2024); attention to the poor (2025); and the environment (2026).

“So the quote from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church is fitting. The Spirit is given to each for the common good. It is hoped that Catholics have heard the term church social teaching, have tried to understand it, and have tried to actualize it. “This is disseminated in the three-minute catechesis every Sunday in parishes throughout KAJ,” he added.

Bishop Suharyo also acknowledged that egoism is a challenge that needs to be addressed in realizing the value of the Church’s pastoral service.

“The symptoms are greed, corruption, bribery and manipulation. The corruption is complete from the executive, judiciary, to the legislature. “Businesses often have affairs with the state, for example with laws that benefit certain parties.”

“Let’s explore the character program of the Indonesian nation through the inspiration of faith. “We try to care for and develop an attitude of care and love for the country,” he concluded.

On this occasion, the Bishop appreciated the success of HSPMTB in consistently shepherding the people. This is a form of support for KAJ’s efforts to continue to intensify pastoral services. The commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the HSPMTB Church is based on the milestone event of the first baptism on May 23 1948. To date, the HSPMTB Church has created 13 parishes in Greater Tangerang and several Parishes in West Jakarta.

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