The First Congregation of Sisters in China which is 152 Years Old

BEJING, – Religious Congregation of St. Joseph in the Archdiocese of Beijing celebrated his 152nd birthday this year. At this moment of celebration, the sisters who are members of the congregation want to trace back history, deepen and revive the charism of the founder by taking the path of synod

The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph is the first congregation of sisters born in China, especially in the Archdiocese of Bejing. Thus, this congregation is the first religious congregation of indigenous women in the Bamboo Curtain country.

This congregation was founded by Mgr. Louis-Gabriel Delaplace, CM, then Archbishop of Beijing, in 1872 the sisters continued their intense pastoral and missionary commitment, living community life, despite the pandemic and its consequences for the life of the Church.

The laity has always been their first apostolic commitment, which is why they regularly promote “Opening Days” to welcome lay people and non-Christians alike. They experienced this opportunity in four moments: a presentation of the history and life of the congregation; guided visits; seminars or simple exchange meetings; prayer in the chapel. Currently 49 sisters work in various dioceses, parishes, schools, clinics and nursing homes.

During formation, each candidate is required to have skills and knowledge about religion, culture, psychology and morals. Some sisters also took courses in physics, Chinese literature, Chinese moral traditions, social sciences, and foreign languages.

This congregation holds the motto from 1 Cor 9,19 (“I have become a slave to everyone to win the greatest amount”) and from Luke 17,10 (“If you have done everything that was commanded you, say: We are unprofitable servants . We did what we had to do.”

According to historical sources, during a time of meditation and prayer, Msgr. Delaplace was inspired by Saint Joseph to found a Chinese religious congregation. The proposal was discussed at the Vatican Council of 1870.

After two years of preparation, with the help of the Canossian Sisters, the Congregation of Saint Joseph was founded in Beijing in 1872, whose nuns came from Beijing and the surrounding area.

After 150 years, there are now nuns from various provinces in China. According to its founder, the main goals of the Congregation are service (ecclesiastical and social) and mission.

In 1941 the Congregation reformed its structure, changing its statutes and religious customs, and adding a confession of the vow of poverty. Previously, they only took vows of obedience and purity.

Their birthdays are celebrated on the Feast of Saint Joseph. Their work is primarily in the areas of health and education, but they are always available for the diocese’s requests and needs, it was reported.

Why is Only Russia Mentioned in the Fatima Message?

Why is Only Russia Mentioned in the Fatima Message?

FATIMA, – The apparition of Our Lady of Fatima occurred on May 13, 1917, just a few months after the revolution began in Russia that would spread throughout the world. For many young people born over the past 30 years, it may seem strange that Our Lady of Fatima specifically mentions the conversion of Russia.

To date, there is no specific reason known in 30 years, why Russia should be chosen among all countries. However, when put into historical context, the reasons behind Our Lady’s call to Russia begin to make more sense.


During World War I, the Russian people were starving and their economy was in shambles. Their soldiers were no match for the Germans and caused heavy casualties. This increases hostility towards the government and the desire for a solution.

Unrest erupted in Russia, including what is now called the “February Revolution” (Russia at the time used the Julian Calendar). It occurred on March 8, 1917, and led to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II on March 15, 1917.

It was the beginning of a larger movement, as it facilitated Vladimir Lenin’s rise to power. Lenin was a student of Karl Marx and was ready to introduce his own version of Marxism in Russia, starting with the socialist revolution. His version of communism would ravage Russia for decades to come and would spread to many other countries around the world. For example, in 1921 China adopted communist ideology, which was directly influenced by the revolution that occurred in Russia.

When Our Lady of Fatima appeared on May 13, 1917, the world was aware of the February Revolution, but unaware of the communist rise to power that would grip the world.

Words of Our Lady of Fatima

It wasn’t until July 13, 1917 that Our Lady appeared, she spoke to the children at Fatima about Russia. To prevent [another World War], I will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the penance of Communion on the first Saturday.

If people fulfill my request, Russia will repent and the world will be at peace. Otherwise, she [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, provoking war and persecution of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will suffer much, and various nations will be destroyed.

“In the end My Immaculate Heart will prevail. The Holy Father will sanctify Russia for me; it will be changed, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world. In Portugal, the dogmas of the Faith will always be maintained.”

The little children in Fatima would never have thought about the damage the Russian government and its communist philosophy could cause to the world. However, that’s exactly what happened when World War II destroyed lives and ushered in a new reign of terror under the Soviet Union.

The good news is that the future is not set in stone and we can influence the world for the better, starting with Our Lady’s call to, “penance, penance, penance!”

Pope Pius XII and his services Saved Thousands of Jews from the Holocaust

Pope Pius XII and his services Saved Thousands of Jews from the Holocaust

ROME, – Priests of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) found a list of names of thousands of Jews who were protected by Catholics in Rome during the war. This finding adds further evidence of the heroism of Pope Pius XII.

The list was found in the archives of the Jesuit-run Pontifical Biblicum Institute of Rome, Italy. On the list are some 4,300 people who were protected between September 1943 and June 1944, when Rome was liberated by Allied forces.

Of these, 3,600 people were identified based on their names on the list; of these, at least 3,200 were Jews. Researchers have compared the list with archives maintained by the Jewish community in Rome.

Hidden in the Monastery

At that time, there were at least 100 orders of Catholic nuns and 55 orders of Catholic monks, as well as parishes and other Catholic institutions, providing shelter during the German occupation. These Jews were hidden in monasteries, parishes and houses belonging to the order.

During the period of the Nazi occupation of Rome, at least 2,000 Jews, including hundreds of children and teenagers, were murdered. The total number of Jews in Rome was at least between 10,000 and 15,000 people. Most of them died in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, after being captured by the Nazis in mid-October 1943.

News about the discovery of the list of rescued people was announced last Thursday, September 7 2023 at a conference at the Rome Holocaust Museum. However, detailed information on these findings has not been published in its entirety for privacy reasons.

“We know where they were hidden and, under certain circumstances, where they lived before the persecution,” said a joint statement from the Pontifical Biblical Institute, the Jewish Community of Rome and Yad Vashem.

According to researchers involved in the project, the list was compiled by Italian Jesuit Father Gozzolino Birolo, between June 1944 and the spring of 1945. Birolo, who died of cancer in June 1945, had been in charge of the finances of the Biblicum di mena rector at that time it was German Father Augustin Bea SJ, who later became a Cardinal and a pioneer of Jewish-Catholic relations after the war.

Among the church facilities in Rome where Jews took refuge, according to documentation, were the Parish of the Transfiguration, the Parish of Divine Providence, the Major Seminary of Rome, the Church of San Carlo al Corso, the Parish of Santa Maria in Trastevere, the Church of Santa Maria delle Fornaci.

Researchers say that a list of religious institutions in Rome that housed Jews, along with the number of cases, was published by an Italian historian named Renzo De Felice in 1961. However, the source on which the list was based was thought to be lost until recent discoveries. This.

Although the list of people rescued consisted mainly of Jews, researchers said there were also a number of people wanted by the Nazis for other reasons, including Italian partisans involved in resistance to the occupation. Historians believe that the protection afforded to the Jews, by religious institutions in Rome, would not have been possible without the explicit encouragement of Pope Pius XII.

Defamation of Pius XII

At that time, Pope Pius The Vatican has long considered such claims to be defamatory.

Pope Benedict XVI of Germany, three years after visiting Auschwitz, refused to visit the exhibition at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Israel because of these false accusations. Benedict XVI defended his predecessor and believed that Pope Pius XII had fought to save the Jews who were being chased by the Nazis. When the Jews reached the Vatican, Pope Pius

Mendiang Sir Martin Gilbert, pakar Holocaust dan seorang Yahudi terkemuka di dunia, juga berpandangan bahwa pameran di Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial tersebut merupakan gambaran keliru yang “berbahaya”. Mitos diamnya Paus Pius bermula dari “The Deputy”, drama fiksi karya Rolf Hochhuth yang muncul pada tahun 1963, lima tahun setelah kematian Paus Puis XII, yang selanjutnya melahirkan serangkaian karya polemik.

Perintah Konklaf

Paus Pius XII tidak menandatangani kecaman Sekutu atas penganiayaan terhadap orang Yahudi pada tanggal 17 Desember 1942. Hal ini untuk menunjukkan bahwa ia netral.  Namun, seminggu kemudian, ia menggunakan pesan Natalnya untuk mengecam kengerian “ratusan ribu orang yang dibantai.

Sejauh menyangkut Nazi, Pius XII bukanlah Paus yang pendiam. Adolf Hitler yang selalu menanggapi kritik dengan kekerasan. Pada pertemuan tanggal 26 Juli 1943, Hitler bahkan telah menyusun rencana untuk menyerang Vatikan dan menangkap Paus dan para kardinal seniornya. Saat itu, Amerika Serikat, Spanyol dan Portugal masing-masing menawarkan pengasingan kepada Paus, tetapi Paus menolak meninggalkan Vatikan.

Italia menjadi negara pendudukan ketika, negara itu menandatangani gencatan senjata dengan Sekutu pada tanggal 3 September 1943. Tiga hari kemudian, Pius XII mengatakan kepada para uskup senior, bahwa penangkapannya akan segera terjadi dan ia akan mengundurkan diri pada saat itu. Selanjutnya, ia juga menginstruksikan, kalau itu terjadi para Kardinal dapat berkumpul di sebuah negara yang aman, mungkin Portugal, dan menyelenggarakan konklaf untuk memilih Paus yang baru.

Rencana Gagal

Rencana Hitler untuk menyerang Vatikan ini terungkap pada tahun 2007 ketika Dan Kurzman menerbitkan A Special Mission, sebuah buku berdasarkan wawancara dengan Karl Otto Wolff, Jenderal Pasukan Schutzstaffel (SS/Pasukan Khusus Nazi) yang diperintahkan untuk melaksanakannya.

Operasi tersebut ditunda tanpa batas waktu ketika Wolff menasihati Hitler untuk tidak melakukannya pada bulan Desember 1943, pada saat 477 orang Yahudi diam-diam berlindung di Vatikan. Saat itu, sekitar 3.000 orang Yahudi berada di Castel Gandolfo. Sementara itu, sebanyak 5.000 orang Yahudi lainnya disembunyikan di banyak biara di Kota Abadi.

Saat itu, beberapa orang Yahudi dilengkapi dengan akta baptis palsu bahkan ada yang menyamar sebagai pendeta. Sementara itu para biarawati di salah satu biara bahkan menyediakan rumah mereka kepada wanita Yahudi.

Sangatlah penting dipahami, bahwa tindakan kepahlawanan rahasia ini dimulai atas instruksi langsung Paus Pius XII pada tanggal 16 Oktober 1943. Hari itu tentara SS mulai mengumpulkan orang-orang Yahudi di Roma untuk dideportasi.

Gereja Katolik Menyelatkan Paling Banyak

Historical data collected among Jewish historians is the largest source containing evidence of the heroic role of Pope Pius XII. This confession dates back to the 1960s and states that the Catholic Church saved more lives than all international institutions combined.

Israeli diplomat Pinchas Lapide estimates that the Church under the leadership of Pius Pius XII saved up to 850,000 Jews from death. He based his assessment on Yad Vashem records.

The Chief Rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli in 1946 became a Catholic and took the baptismal name Eugenio. He chose this name as a tribute to Pius XII, who was previously Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli.

St. Valentine and Christian Tradition

St. Valentine and Christian Tradition

JAKARTA, – Love Day or Valentine’s Day is celebrated every February 14. It is often wondered whether this celebration is really related to St. Valentinus, medieval bishop and martyr? Also, did the tradition of celebrating Love Day come from the Catholic Church?

 Although the exact date of his birth is unknown, it is believed that St. Valentinus lived in the late 2nd and early 3rd centuries AD. Historians are still unsure whether the celebration of St. The current Valentinus is based on one or two Christian martyrs executed by Emperor Claudius II Gothicus in around 270 AD.

Martyrs of Charity

Saint Valentinus (Italian: San Valentino) is a 3rd century saint, commemorated in the Catholic Church on February 14 and in the Eastern Orthodox Church on July 6.

 Since the Middle Ages, the Feast of St. Velentinus has been associated with the “day of love”. He is also the patron saint of epileptics, and beekeepers. Saint Valentine was a priest and bishop who lived during the Roman Empire. At that time, he served persecuted Christians. He was martyred and his body was buried on the Via Flaminia on 14 February. That day is then commemorated from time to time as Saint Valentine’s Day. This selection of dates dates back to at least the eighth century.

Tomb of St. Valentinus was originally in the Church of San Valentino in Rome before being moved to the Church of Santa Frances during the time of Pope Nicholas IV. Currently, the Relics of St. A flower-crowned Valentine is in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. Other religios are kept in the Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. These churches are to this day popular places of pilgrimage, especially on Saint Valentine’s Day.

, for those looking for love. At least two different Saints are mentioned in early martyrologies.[9] For St. Valentine of Rome, along with St. Valentine of Terni, “summaries of the acts of these two saints exist in almost every church and monastery in Europe,” according to Professor Jack B. Oruch of the University of Kansas.[10]

According to legend, St. Valentinus was a priest and poet of the Church who helped Christians during the period of persecution in the Roman era. He especially helped couples getting married, an act that was considered an offense at the time. This heroic act is what caused St. Valentinus was imprisoned and then killed.

In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as the Feast of Saint Valentine. He established this warning to replace a pagan tradition relating to health and fertility. Over time, Saint Valentine’s Day has become a day to celebrate love.

Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill attribute the romantic love affair of Valentine’s Day to the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. Geoffrey Chaucer’s 14th-century poem, “Parliament of Foules,” tells the story of a flock of birds gathered on St. Patrick’s Day. Valentinus to find a partner. Until now, the Catholic Church still includes the name St. Valentinus on the list of martyrs.

Today, Valentine’s Day continues to be celebrated globally and has expanded beyond the walls of the Church. The Valentine’s Day tradition has become a universal expression of affection.

An Atheist Called to Become a Priest, “God won my heart in just 30 seconds

An Atheist Called to Become a Priest, “God won my heart in just 30 seconds

KIELCE, – 30 seconds was all God needed to show Father Christopher (Krzysztof) Kralka his true calling, the priesthood. Previously, this young Polish man born in Kielce, southeastern Poland had completely turned his back on the Church. For years, he had never even entered any religious building. For him at that time, the Church was a backward institution that had nothing to do with the modern worldview. However, everything changed when Pope John Paul II (JP II) arrived in Poland, August 2002.

That day, the first papal visit, Christopher was upset. He wondered how he could survive this event, which was reported by all the country’s media. Of course, unlike most of his compatriots, he had no intention of watching television broadcasts.

“I didn’t feel the urge to turn on the television, but that day I felt tremendous inner pressure, pressure to listen to the Pope’s words,” Father Christopher recalled.

He remembered that the theme of the JP II pilgrimage this time was a phrase from the Bible: “God is rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4). The Holy Father explained that Jesus died for everyone. This is where Christopher was touched.

“I was so moved by the old man’s words that I couldn’t get up from my chair,” Father Christopher told Aleteia .

After hearing John Paul II’s words, Christopher felt as if he was in some kind of ecstasy. When his parents asked him to help them garden, he refused, saying he couldn’t leave the TV screen because he was watching the Pope.

“They thought it was an excuse for me not to help them. But, I felt incredible joy, freedom, and peace in that moment. Now I know it was the Holy Spirit,” he recalled.

An inner voice whispered to him that he would receive a special gift.

“When I told God that I chose him, I immediately heard the answer in my heart: ‘Become a priest,’” he said.

Father Christopher admits that once this moment passed, he questioned his reality.

“After I stopped listening to the Pope, I had doubts. At that point, I said ‘no!’ I couldn’t imagine myself as a pastor. I am a perfect example of an anticlerical person.

in his story to the editor of Aleteia , Christopher saw the priest as looking like a humanly inferior person. He thought carrying out the call was the worst choice. But in reality, it doesn’t take long for it to sink in, maybe around 30 minutes.

“I realized with joy and relief the path that God had prepared for me, and that it was this path that would allow me to be happy,” he continued.

That’s why, after about 30 seconds, Christopher finally said “yes” to God.

Evangelize young people

Previously, Pastor Christopher believed that God continued to watch over and guide. He is there, He is watching, inspiring in true passion. Currently, he feels that his calling is also to evangelize young people. In fact, he is currently carrying out his ministry at the new evangelical school founded by the Pallottines. Here he leads spiritual retreats for young people.

“I just returned from a retreat for young people preparing them for the sacrament of confirmation.”

Father Christopher explained. He concluded that it would be good for these young people to know that the Church has a treasure in the person of Jesus. It is the answer to the suffering and difficulties of young people. Pastor Christopher understood this by saying “yes” to Jesus. It only took 30 seconds for Jesus to win her heart. (AES)

An Artist Quits His Job to Paint a Mural at a Parish Church in Kansas, United States

An Artist Quits His Job to Paint a Mural at a Parish Church in Kansas, United States

KANSAS, – In 2020, a defining moment came for Karr, a 2019 University of Kansas illustration graduate. At that time, Karr found herself at the crossroads between a career as a marketing professional and her true calling.

However, the situation changed after Karr met Father Anthony Oulette from the Holy Name of Jesus Christ Parish, Archdiocese of Kansas. During the meeting, Father Oulette expressed his ideas about renovating the parish church and plans to add various works of art to the church.

“He took me to the church, presented his ideas for renovating the church,” Karr recalled.

During the meeting, Father Oulette said he planned to place paintings of Pentecost, the Virgin Mary and St. Michael. Not only that, the painting of St. Joseph who presented Jesus in the Temple will also be made with an Angel Gabriel ornament on it.

In September 2022, Karr left work and began his career in religious art. At that time, Karr worked entirely for the parish church. Her journey, marked by faith and courage, has been a testament to the power of art in revitalizing not only spaces, but also spirits.

“I love Jesus so much and I know that He is real,” Karr said.

Painting by Mattie Karr at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Kansas City. CNA

Finding Mary

But that leap of faith is slowly starting to be proven. When Karr needed visual references for the figures in the art, he and Father Oulette decided to ask parishioners to volunteer.

When they wanted to create an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, they thought of the same parishioner, Mary Leticia DeCaigny. Karr asked DeCaigny to be a model when he finished painting the Virgin Mary. Karr took a photo of DeCaigny in costume for reference. He discovered there was a deeper connection with DeCaigny.

DeCaigny and her husband lost their 8-year-old son after a five-year battle with cancer.

“He said, ‘We lost our son to cancer about 10 years ago, so I know what it’s like to walk with our suffering son. I feel very close to DeCaigny and this is confirmation that he sees me and he is with me,’” Karr recalled DeCaigny saying.

This influenced Karr’s view of this art project. He participated in this painting, and collecting models, but Karr realized this work was much bigger than him.

“There’s no way I would have known that, at first, I chose him because I liked his hair (DeCaigny- ed. ). I didn’t know that his past experiences were actually related to Our Lady. So that’s a great blessing.”

With this experience, Karr sees his hard work as not only a work of art, but it is truly something that has an impact on the people involved in it. He also hopes that this experience will have an impact on people who will see the results of his artistic work for years to come.

Mattie Karr shows religious paintings in her office in Kansas City.

It took Three Years

Previously, Karr had big dreams of having a career in Hollywood. However, now he is actually planting spiritual seeds in the work he does.

“I could almost be a Catholic evangelist spy,” he said.

Karr enjoyed his time living in Kansas and loved the parish where he had just completed his assignment. It took three years to complete all the artwork which was then installed in the parish church.

He created two 15-foot paintings that bring color and warmth to both sides of the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus Christ in Kansas City. Apart from that, there are other paintings he made.

“As my faith grew, I couldn’t help it. The art just came out and it’s all religious, mostly Mary. I couldn’t stop drawing Mary,” he said.

A major shift occurred when he made his retreat. Some people also admit that God called Karr to do something. One call he then responded bravely and stepped out.

“It was very clear He wanted me to jump,” he said.

A week later, he did just that, quit his job in sales, and began his full-time career as an artist.

Karr painted and drew sacred and liturgical art and depicted deeply meaningful spiritual themes. Now, after he gave up and decided to become an artist with religious themes, he said that life has become much easier.

“It doesn’t seem that difficult. I respect my religion. It’s much more liberating.”

Karr recalled his encounter with Father Oulette. The priest said he had the ability to paint a Christian icon.

“Your spirituality is like that of an icon painter,” Karr said, imitating Father Oulette’s words.

When the works of art had been completed which carried the theme of the descent of the Holy Spirit and the appearance of Jesus, the installation of these works was carried out before Easter. It is hoped that this moment will attract the attention of the congregation and invite them to reflect on the unique message conveyed by the Holy Spirit to each community.

Admittedly, Karr’s work stands as a bridge between the divine and the mundane, capturing the essence of faith in a way that cannot be expressed in words. Through his brush, Karr allows parishioners to see not only their faces, but also their stories.

The completion of this painting was not only a moment of artistic achievement for Karr, but also a celebration of faith for the parish community. In an often divided world, this project serves as a beacon of unity, showing how art can bring people together.

Pray Before Work

Now, after completing a religious artwork for the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus, Karr is receiving many requests for artwork on similar themes. As Karr worked to develop a commissioned work, he prayed with them, and asked the Holy Spirit to reveal what the work would look like for them Situs Toto.

One time, Karr got a project from a family where the wife was a mental health counselor. The client had recurring dreams about Mary dressed in work clothes, diligently untying a long ribbon that shone in the light falling over her shoulders.

From that story, Karr started working on it. Karr said that even though the image is created for one client, it often moves others to tears, even if they previously knew nothing about this traditional depiction of Mary.

“I have seen how God can speak through these images. Beauty has the quality of stopping people in their tracks and making them take notice,” he said. (AES)

Tears of Joy and Fruit of Confession

Tears of Joy and Fruit of Confession

PONTIANAK, – I have been doing this confession regularly starting in 2021. Since then, I realized that there were so many struggles going on in my life, giving me the courage to start again after being absent from confession for so many years.

On Tuesday, March 28 2023 before entering Easter week, I went to Church to confess my sins and receive the sacrament of Penance. I came with sins that still stuck to me like worn, unwashed clothes. While waiting in line, I remembered all the sins I had committed. When it was my turn, I entered the confession room where it was just me and a priest who would listen and give me the sacrament of Penance.

During confession, my tears suddenly burst because I remembered how bad I was that my voice became lost and unclear. But I tried to organize my speech so that the Pastor could hear it clearly. After that, I was given advice and given forgiveness with the sacrament of Penance by the Pastor. God gave me relief for the forgiveness I received. I felt born again, renewed by the sacraments I had received.

The tears I felt were so warm, even though they were sobbing like they wouldn’t stop soon. I then entered the church, praying to regret all my mistakes. There was a feeling of emotion, God’s love for me was so good, that He forgave all my sins.

After praying, I felt the burden on my shoulders was reduced and I had new hope to become a better person than before. With this sacrament of Reconciliation, I am strengthened again.

Sacrament of Healing

The Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation is one of the two sacraments of healing (CCC 1423-1424). This sacrament is a sacrament of spiritual healing for sins. Sin is an act that violates the law of love for God and others. Every human being must commit sin, which is done consciously so that it can harm other people and even himself and can damage his relationship with God. Relations with others are also damaged.

The Catholic Church opens up space for people who want to confess their sins in the confession room. People are invited to reflect on themselves and renew their minds by confessing their sins.

For some people, confessing their sins is the most feared thing, firstly because they are ashamed of the sin they have committed. Second, feeling unworthy of forgiveness. Third, people don’t want to know about their sins other than themselves, and there are many other reasons why people don’t want or are reluctant to come to the confession room. There are even those who haven’t confessed their sins at all in a year or have never done so.

However, there are also people who casually come to the confession room with a list of sins they have committed because it is their obligation. Even though by confessing our sins we remember the bad past, at least we can be healed and reborn as new people and better prepared to improve our lives in a better direction.

The Sacrament of Penance is not just a matter of regret and tears, but rather “metanoia” or a change of heart in our entire attitude towards life. We are asked to be aware and have good intentions and the efforts of repentance that we make. God always accepts everyone who wants to repent.

I Forgive Him Too

2 Corinthians 2:10 “For whose trespasses you forgive, I also forgive them. Because if I forgive, – if there is anything I should forgive -, then I do it because of you in the presence of Christ,” continued in Colossians 2:13 “You too, although you were dead in your transgressions and because you were not outwardly circumcised, have been made alive God is with Him, after He forgives all our transgressions”, in this verse it is clear that God forgives our sins.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also found in James 5:16 “Confess your sins to one another”. We just know that James 5:13-16 is the basis of the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.

The World’s First Montessori Sister’s Perpetual Vows, Montessori Educator Closely Bound to the Catholic Faith

Sister Chiara Therese after taking perpetual vows and Novice Sister Lucia Rose shortly receiving monastic robes

Sister Chiara Therese after taking perpetual vows and Novice Sister Lucia Rose shortly receiving monastic robes

NORTH DAKOTA, – In 1950, world-renowned educator Maria Montessori wrote about her dream. One day, a religious community will be formed, to carry out the teachings and spiritual values ​​that he lives by. It only took 74 years for this dream to come true. The first religious community in the world whose main charism was Catholic Montessori Education was founded in Bismarck, North Dakota, United States.

This community is still new, founded about three years ago. Even though currently, the community is only an association of Christians, one day it hopes to become a religious order. There are currently two members of this community, Sister Chiara Thérèse and a Novice Sister, Sister Lucia Rose.

Sister Chiara took perpetual vows and Sr. Lucia Rose received religious vestments at Mass on January 6, 2024. This Mass was a historic event for Catholic education, Catholic religious life, and the Montessori education model.

Sister Lucia Rose receiving religious robes

Sister Lucia Rose receiving religious robes

Founding Inspiration

Sr. Chiara said that the inspiration for the establishment of this new religious community was the Holy Spirit. He said, whenever a need arises in humanity, God often forms a new religious community, to answer this need.

The Community of Montessori Sisters was canonically founded on October 1, 2020, in the Diocese of Bismarck, North Dakota. Currently, the status of this community is as a Public Association of Christian Believers. Sr. Chiara said the founding of this community was a response to the universal call to send workers into the vineyard to serve Christ.

“This community was founded after a long period of confirmation with the Ordinary of our region (Bismarck diocese-ed),” said Sr. Chiara.

Sr. Chiara said that life as a nun is to be a “bride of Christ”, so the main concern of a nun is a close relationship with her Divine Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

“Therefore, prayer has a primary place in our community, along with the Daily Prayers, the Rosary, Adoration, and Lectio Divina,” said Sr. Chiara.

As their daily apostolate, Sr. Chiara and Sr. Lucia currently works educating children at Christ the King Montessori Catholic School in Mandan, North Dakota. In this place, the two sisters developed the values ​​of Christian education in accordance with the spirituality of Maria Montessori.

In the spiritual life, the Montessori Sisters fill the day with fraternal time in prayer and deepening the Scriptures. In addition to adhering to the gospel’s advice on poverty, chastity and obedience, the Montessori Sisters have a unique fourth vow: respect for Christ in the Son. This is a characteristic that was acquired from the spirituality of Maria Montessori herself.

Special Features of Montessori Education

As a devout Catholic, his entire educational method was imbued with Christian anthropology. Montessori Sisters saw in the child a new creation that was extraordinary, unique and completely belonging to the Creator. With this understanding, there is a close connection between Montessori Sister education and the Catholic faith. Sr. Chiara said that separating Montessori education from its Catholic roots would be the same as hindering the fullness of the method that is embedded, not only in the soul of the Montessori teacher, but also in the child’s soul.

Montessori education gives the child a deep sense of reverence, allowing him to fully become who God created him to be. Maria Montessori said, there is no room in a Montessori teacher’s heart for pride, anger, or impatience.

Maria Montessori, continued Sr. Chiara, has set herself the task of helping children build themselves; to give birth in him to a “fully living man” who would then glorify God. He said that Montessori tutors must be both saints and scientists.

“He should observe the child with a heart full of awe and wonder. He must guide the child to the right materials in a prepared environment, which will help his development, and then purify his soul from everything that is not from God,” said Sr. Chiara.

Sister Chiara Therese taking perpetual vows at the Motessori Public Association

Sister Chiara Therese taking perpetual vows at the Motessori Public Association

The most important thing the world wants to know about the work of Montessori Sisters according to Sr. Chiara Montessori Catholic Education wants to restore the dignity and place of children in their families and communities.

Today’s children, especially the youngest children, are often misunderstood by society as a whole. Sr. Chiara said their place in the world’s social network, led by adults, hinders the development and formation of the soul.

By understanding in detail the various stages of child development, education needs to give children freedom with boundaries and responsibilities. Education needs to teach social graces, providing integral and harmonious methods of formation.

“We, as a religious community, want to be part of this noble work, as Maria Montessori said, Sr. said. Maria.

Now, starting with two sisters, the Montessori Public Association has taken the first steps to expand the value of Montessori education throughout the world. Even though this pioneering “Montessori Congregation” has just started, many educational institutions around the world are already using the Montessori Education model as a guide.

Sr. Chiara said that Montessori education helps children shape themselves into the human beings they hope to be. For him, educators are instruments from God to shape children according to God’s will.  

“We are only instruments in the hands of Divine Providence, which helps the Creator in this increasingly urgent task, namely honoring Him in a child,” said Sr. Chiara.

Retreat Held at Prison in Texas, Bringing Faith to Inmates

Retreat Held at Prison in Texas, Bringing Faith to Inmates

TEXAS, Pena Catholic – Jerry Trzeciak leads several Catholic retreats. However, the participants were not ordinary parishioners, and they lived in places that not many people dared to go.

Well, for the past few years, Trzeciak has worked closely with the Texas Department of Corrections. He works as a volunteer at the Jim Ferguson Correctional Institution, located in Midway, Texas. It has a maximum capacity of more than 2,000 men and mostly houses those who are violent and affiliated with gangs in Texas.

Trzeciak worked with a Catholic lay group called Kolbe Prison Ministries (KPM). Trzeciak and his fellow volunteers were brought into the prison to lead three-day retreats for inmates, about 66 people at a time. These volunteers share their faith through lectures, pray with inmates, and give them the opportunity to attend Mass and receive Communion. After the retreat ended, these volunteers continued to provide assistance to the prisoners, including by holding Bible studies.

KPM’s work with prisoners not only changes the lives of the prison inmates. Changes also occurred in Trzeciak’s life.

“These retreats are always received positively, and it is amazing to see not only the growth of the ministry but also the growth and testimony of how the Holy Spirit works in their lives,” said Trzeciak, a parishioner of St. Mary’s Parish. Antinus Padua is located near Houston.

“I cannot tell you how much God rewards those who do works of mercy, and especially those who do prison ministry. It’s not easy to get in there, right? It’s not for everyone.

Of course there is fear, but Trzeciak is trying to develop himself and put his fears aside. When he does this, and does what God wants, then he is sure that he will be rewarded.

“When you set yourself aside for what God wants, He will continue to reward you. It’s just a constant blessing, a gift.”

Security measures in prisons mean the likelihood of harm coming to prison service volunteers is very low. But of course,

Maximum Security Prison

The idea of ​​entering a maximum security prison, let alone with the goal of sharing Jesus with the inmates, can be intimidating and takes some getting used to. Trzeciak found the key, namely to come with a non-judgmental and loving attitude as much as possible.

“In general, society does not have a positive image of prisoners. The majority of the prisons we go to are high security, maximum security units. And for a lot of people, until they’ve done it once or two or three times, they might feel a little uncomfortable,” Trzeciak told CNA.

In this work, KPM was supported by a large donation of study materials from Ascension, a Catholic publisher based in Pennsylvania. Through this donation, work for prisoners can continue and have a positive impact on them.

Perhaps because it is so challenging, Catholic prison ministry across the United States has been a struggle for many years, especially to attract volunteers and, with limited financial resources. It is not easy to provide the materials needed to stir the faith of men and women in prison. Difficulties often make the volunteers leave.

But that changed, at least in Texas, in March 2022, when Catholic publisher Ascension connected with KPM. The partnership coordinated a $338,000 donation of Bible study materials. Thanks to the large donation, Kolbe said there are now nearly 400 inmates participating in “Bible Timeline” Bible studies at prison facilities in Texas and other states.

Trzeciak said prisoners are often interested in talking about forgiveness, both for others and for themselves. Here, this Bible course helps inmates find answers to their questions.

“It’s amazing to see the growth of men and women thanks to Bible courses,” he said.

Ascension, in its press release, added that the inmates have felt much more confident and able to answer questions about faith from fellow inmates of other religions. The retreat provided by KPM is not only intended for Catholic prisoners. Even though the theme is very Christian, every prisoner is welcome to attend. Trzeciak said Catholic inmates are generally the most enthusiastic to participate. Some of the inmates came initially because they were motivated by the free food, but some ended up staying to attend the retreat session.

“From our perspective, if it was food that brought them, praise God, because once again, at the end of the third day, God had performed a miracle,” Trzeciak commented. (AES)



Lord Jesus Christ,

You who healed the sick and comforted the afflicted,
You who showed us the Father’s infinite mercy and compassion,
You who gave your life for our salvation,
hear now our prayer on this World Day of the Sick.

To you we entrust those who suffer in body, mind or spirit.
Grant them your grace, give them strength, console them with your peace,
and sustain them with the hope that comes from your resurrection.

To you we entrust those who care for the sick and the elderly.
We remember the doctors, nurses, volunteers and family members who give of themselves that others may find healing and rest.
Bless them for their generous service and selfless love,
protect them from harm and fatigue,
let them know the goodness they bring into the world.

To you we entrust the leaders of nations and those in the scientific community
who work together for the common good of humanity.
We pray that they may work towards a world in which everyone has access to health care:
That they may promote a culture of solidarity and fraternity,
that overcomes the scourges of illness, poverty and violence.

To you we entrust ourselves, through the intercession of Mary.
We pray that we may work to give comfort to the afflicted,
to follow your example of love and service,
to be faithful witnesses of your Gospel in the world,
to share in your glory in heaven.


































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